A Business Valuation is an important tool that helps validate and benchmark the true value of a company or business.
If you are contemplating a Business Valuation, make sure it is a valuation built on a firm foundation that can withstand challenges. The science and theories we apply to our valuations are time-tested: our measures also include the market forces that shape business value in the marketplace. Because we are also a Mergers and Acquisitions firm, we understand how these market forces shape business value.
We go a step further to strengthen our valuations by applying a proprietary process to keep our business valuations streamlined and accurate. If you need a timely and defensible valuation, put BBS expertise to work for you.
Our Business Valuations are best suited for:
Estate Planning.
Buy-Out Agreements.
Disability, Divorce and Death.
Business Loans.
Preparation for the Sale of a Business.
Business Growth and Exit Planning.
Business Valuation Options
Limited Scope: A valuation report that produces accurate but summary review.
Fair Market Value: A full-scope business valuation that includes more details and additional support.
Comprehensive Business Valuation: A valuation that incorporates broad and complex business and financial reviews.